Can you believe it has already been two years since our accident? Sometimes it feels just like it was yesterday and at other times it feels like it has been a long road, but one that God has been there every step of the way. I looked at the Praying for Kensley blog and she has come so far from just a year ago. She knows that the Lord spared her life and she consistently thanks Him for it. She is a praying child. She prays about everything anything. I'm so grateful that she knows the Lord can do things she asks Him to do and that she puts all her trust in Him.
I'm grateful for all of our friends and family that stuck with us while we were away. We are so blessed to have you all and still can't thank you all enough for sticking with us during the hardest time in our life.
Last night on the way home from eating out with some of our best friends, I just got to thinking about our first night out of the hospital and started crying. It's still all so real. Once me, Dustin and Konnor got released we stayed the first night at the Ronald McDonald house next to the hospital. We were all so sore from the wreck we could hardly move. We all got down to pray before we went to bed and we just couldn't even pray without sobbing. We just hugged each other and cried. We couldn't stand the thoughts of not having our little girl there with us. It still just breaks my heart thinking about it. But what a difference she is now.
I know these milestones don't seem like much to most parents, but to us they are so great! She can now open the 2 liter drink and pour it herself. She can put something in the microwave and heat it up herself. She often says to me "Mom aren't you glad that I can pour my own drink now, I'm doing so much better, aren't I?" She truly knows the Lord has helped her up til now. She often reminds me that the Lord has allowed her to walk, run, talk and that He has opened her eye. I think the Lord knows that I still struggle with it sometimes and He uses her to remind me of all the good that has happened so far. What a blessing she is. She still has some struggles to overcome, but I know the Lord can take care of those too.
Just wanted to share a little bit of how far the Lord has brought our little Angel. She is a reminder of what God can do.
On a different note, I had the honor of hosting Drea and Chad's 30th Birthday bash. It was a lot of fun and they I think they knew something was up, but just not quite sure what. We had a big crowd with lots of food, a bon fire and a hayride for the kiddos. I'm glad I got to be part of it. Drea is not so young anymore, but she'll get used to saying the "th" word eventually. :) Hope both of you had a great birthday!
Where is the Hope in Christmas?
7 years ago
So glad to hear this update. It doesnt seem like it has been 2 years. So glad God has been blessing your family with His healing.
Wow, it doesn't seem like 2 years. So glad the lord saw fit to leave your little angel here.
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