Thursday, February 11, 2010

The Circus!

Last Thursday we went to the circus with some of our best friends, The Stilwells. First we went to Wings to get a bite to eat, in hopes to not spend so much on the pricey food there, but you know once the kids start seeing everything its hard to tell them no, so we did have to buy Konnor's favorite dipping dots and Kensley wanted one of those expensive lemonades and popcorn, and who can pass up popcorn. And I let them buy one toy a piece, Konnor picked out the sword and Kensley got the light up spinning toy. We had really good seats, I think we were on the fourth row from the floor. Konnor's favorite of course was when all the motorcycles were all in that ball riding around. Kensley loved the acrobats and the elephants. Here are some pics from our exciting night.


These pictures were made at Wings, can't you tell Konnor was so excited to have his picture made!

Here is Kens with her new toy she got.

Konnor and Sydnee being silly.

A few from the entertainment.

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