The title of this post comes from a song that my husband and Shannon Bryd wrote recently for some friends of ours and those words are so true. There are times when I look at Kensley and just wish she was as well as she was before the accident and it is hard not to question God, but I know this all happened for a reason and I don't ever want to catch myself questioning Him, but we all are human and those questions will go through your mind. And although they didn't write this song for me the words of it are so true God Has It All In Control and we just have to step back and let Him take over and everything will work out for the best.
Kensley begs to go back to school and I feel so sorry for her that she doesn't get to participate like she normally would, but when she is around all the kids at church and they are running around playing she is never left out, it is more like she is the center of attention and the kids love to play with her. I'm so thankful for our church family, they have been there for us through all of this and we could have never made it through with out them.
We had a meeting at the school today to start some physical therapy, occupational therapy and speech therapy at home, but they have given me the ok to call the doctor and get a prescription to start her back to school for half days maybe 2-3 days a week. She will be so thrilled to get to go back. We attended library with her class this morning, although she was very sad to leave, she enjoyed getting to see them. The Lord has blessed us beyond all measures and I hope that through this process that I will be able to help someone else down the road.
Where is the Hope in Christmas?
7 years ago
I know we just see each other in passing at therapy but I wanted to just let you know that I pray for your family everyday. I know first hand how difficult this journey can me. Our James was born 2 months early and suffered a stroke at birth or sometime shortly after that caused his Cerebral Palsy.
This is a road that I never thought we would travel but God had other plans for us and I praise Him in the storm. Over these 2 years I have learned that it is ok to grieve the "what should be" It truly is a greiving process for not only your child but also for your family. I look at our situation as a blessing in a way becuase I am lucky enough to actually be witness to the fact that God DOES work miracles in everyday lives. I have seen several in my son and I know you will ( and have) with Kensley. In the meantime I will continue to pray.
Your fellow Special Mom!
YAY! I didn't know she was getting to go to school!!! Congrats to Kensley (and momma- you are doing the BEST :)
Love you all!!
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